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3PAR – Find volume names of 3PAR disks from Windows

发表于 : 2012年 5月 1日 22:12 星期二
3PAR – Find volume names of 3PAR disks from Windows

Author Dung Hoang Khac

So you have presented 3PAR vLUNs to Windows hosts and want to know how to identify disks in Disk Manager with their 3PAR volume names.

There are many tools to do this:

3PAR Host Explorer
MS mpclaim

However, those tools require some “visual” intelligence to look through multiple windows and make correlate information collected inside each window. ( see screen attached at the end)

So here is a PowerShell script that queries WMI to get physical disk information and queries 3PAR Inform through ssh to make this correlation for you.
The logical flow is as follow:

Query WMI Win32_PhysicalDrive to get a list of disk drive
Select disks whose caption contains “3PAR”
Get the disk number as displayed in Disk Manager from the Name atrtibute
Get SCSI Port, Bus, Target , Lun ID of each disk
Map it to registry HKLM:\Hardware\DeviceMap\Scsi\Scsi Port #\Scsi Bus # \Scsi Target ID #\Logical Unit ID #
Get the value DeviceIdentifierPage of the registry key. This property contains the WWN of the disk.
Query 3PAR Inform with the CLi command: showvlun –lvw
the 2nd attribute contains the Volume Name. The 3rd attribute contains the WWN of the disk
Match the WWN of the disk with value found in registry
That gives you the Volume Name

Re: 3PAR – Find volume names of 3PAR disks from Windows

发表于 : 2013年 5月 23日 03:05 星期四