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HP 5200le换定影膜后报“50.3 FUSER ERROR ”是什么问题啊?

发表于 : 2012年 5月 15日 21:38 星期二

装上后竟然开机报:“50.3 FUSER ERROR”,怀疑没装好,于是反复重新拆装了几次故障依旧,把旧膜换回去故障还是一样,各接头和排线都确定没插反或漏插,数字表测量陶瓷片是通的,保险也是通的;

曾经从其他好的5200上拆过定影组件测试过,能开机,没有出现50.3 FUSER ERROR,但是没有打印测试过,查过相关资料说是50.3是报定影温度过高,可是拆下来感觉没有热的感觉处于常温状态


Re: HP 5200le换定影膜后报“50.3 FUSER ERROR ”是什么问题啊?

发表于 : 2012年 5月 16日 01:39 星期三
Try to check with below info,
50.3 error or grinding noise after reinstalling the high voltage power supply (hvps)

When installing the hvps a false 50.3 error can occur if the hvps is installed on the wrong side of the mounting bracket (2 screws that hold it in place from the rear.

Be sure to mount the hvps on the side closest to you (when installing from the back side of the printer).

Also take care when reinstalling the hvps as all the contact springs have to line up with the contact points on the hvps.

A grinding noise can occur if a contact spring near the duplex drive gear gets pushed into the duplex drive gear (this is on the right side when looking from behind the printer).